Our Start to 2012

2012 has started off rather busy for us.  The kids and I went away before New Year to my dad’s place, so Greg could get cracking on some of the renovations (yes, they are ongoing!).  My dad happens to live near the beach and his property boarders a river, so there were many fun moments spent outdoors including tractor rides, boat rides, fishing and swimming to name a few.  We were meant to come home New Year’s Eve, but decided to stay away a few more days as the weather was prefect for the beach.  New Year’s Eve was spent at the Cobden Miniature Railway, which put on a fantastic family night, full of train rides, sideshow rides and fireworks.  I can highly recommend it.  To top it off, the weather was a perfect summer’s evening.

Blue skies, how I love thee

Riding the trains

We came home last week ahead of my dad’s wedding which was this past weekend.  It was a lovely evening spent in a relaxing atmosphere.  I enjoyed catching up with family I hadn’t seen for a while and meeting some of my dad’s wife’s family.  I now have a case of laryngitis from talking so much!  Suffice to say, we are having a very quiet week.  Greg has gone back to work, not that he got much of a break.  Although he did a fantastic job of revamping our ensuite vanity and a few other jobs.  Will hopefully share more renovation photos soon, as true to form, they are not quite finished.

All the grandchildren placed a flower in the bouquet as dad's wife walked down the aisle

Jairah and Poppy

How has your start to 2012 been?  Jacinta x

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