Category Archives: Celebrations

So Our Adventure Begins…

There are a few reasons this poor blog has been so neglected.  Our house is now finally under offer, for the third time!  Who would have thought it would take a year to sell and having so much trouble finding … Continue reading

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~ 5 ~

Look out, I’ve blogged!  This post has been sitting in my draft file for the last 2 weeks, just waiting for me to bother uploading photos!  Lets hope I can get back into this blogging gig. Jairah turned 5 a … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Celebrations, Family Life | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Tenneille’s Birthday and Bathroom Renovation Day 3

Today has seemed like a week!  We got a call from school yesterday to say that Tenneille was feeling unwell and to come and pick her up.  Greg went to collect her.  The sweet little poppet looked so very sad … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations, Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Sweet Tenneille

Our dear Tenneille is turning 7 this week.  We started her birthday celebration a little early with a party over the weekend.  We were blessed with the presence of her dear little school friends.  It was quite a hot day … Continue reading

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12 Years Ago Today

Greg and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary today.  Just seems like yesterday! Nothing like celebrating with leftovers for dinner, after a crazy busy day in the garden getting things organised after being away for a month.  We went to … Continue reading

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St Nicholas

I love the beautiful celebrations which come with this time of year.  We start our festive celebrations with a visit from St Nicholas.  The kids have left their ‘polished’ shoes out, on the window sill, ready for St Nicholas to … Continue reading

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Four ~ Celebrating Jairah

Our sweet boy, Jairah turned 4 today.  Always smiling and always finding mischief, this sunny boy keeps us on our toes, but oh how we love him.  I was all teary and emotional at dinner time tonight, thinking about how … Continue reading

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Celebrating Papa

We celebrated Father’s Day this past Sunday.  Greg got a ‘sleep in’ (ok, I think it was more along the lines of being jumped on by Jairah), while I cooked us a hearty breakfast.  The girls had lovingly wrapped his … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations, Family Life, Favourite Places | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments


What a wonderful few days I have had.  My birthday was on Saturday, but we started celebrating the night before with Greg and I going out to dinner to a favourite restaurant.  It was such a treat to go out, … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations, Family Life, Recommendations | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Happy Easter

Excuse my absence from this space. I have a really good reason why. Will share next week, but at this time I wish you and your family a most joyous Easter, however you choose to celebrate. Jacinta x

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